History of Photography
Name: Evi Nurhidayati
Link ytb: https://youtube.com/shorts/pAzBJKUJsds?feature=share
List of Activities in ESP for Photography Business
1. Short Article about Photography
2. 5W1H Questions
3. Verbal and Nominal Sentences
4. Tenses and It‟s Pattern
5. Active and Passive Construction
6. List of Vocabulary
7. Translation into Indonesia
8. Reasons Why Writer Uses Tenses
A. Article
History of Photography
Photography (from English: Photography, in Greek, namely "Photos": Light and "Grafo": painting) is the process of painting, writing using light media.
Photography means the process of producing images, photos or photos of objects by observing light on objects on light-sensitive media. Without light, no photo can be made.
So the light factor is not important in the art of photography. The principle of photography is to focus on the aid of refraction so that it is able to turn on the light medium. Basically the purpose and essence of photography is communication.
1822 - Joseph Nicéphore Niépce makes the first Heliographic photograph of the subject of Pope Pius VII, using the heliographic process. One of the surviving photographs was made in 1822. 1826 - Joseph Nicéphore Niépce makes the first landscape photograph, which is made by exposure for 8 hours. 1835 - William Henry Fox Talbot discovers a new photographic process. find the positive/negative process called Tabotype. Photos occur because light falls on the surface of the recording media (film or digital sensor), resulting in an image on the recording media. With recording media, the image that occurs is caused by a chemical reaction, on film media (analog process). While on the digital sensor media occurs, electronic pulses (digital process). The smallest element in the film; film grain, or grain, while in digital sensors, is referred to as; picture element or pixel. The principle of footography is to focus light with the help of refraction so that it can burn the light-catching medium. The medium that has been burned with the right size of light will produce an image identical to the light entering the refracting medium (hereinafter referred to as the lens).
B. 5W1H Questions
Instruction: Referring to the article you have, please build each two
examples of your sentences Question and Answer based on 5W1H (Who, What, Where, Why, When, How).
Where Why When Which Whose
How many How much How often How far How old
Meaning Person
Place Reason Time Choice Possession
Quantity Quantity Frequency Distance Age
Who is your favorite idol in Photography Business?
Where is my book entitled Guide to Photo Book?
Why did you bring that photo book?
When is his son’s birthday?
Which design style of academic book do you like more? Whose book on the table?
How many photography books does she have?
How many photo book do you need?
How often do you read books?
How far is it from your house to the campus?
How old are you? How long Duration How long will the test be?
Things, Ideas, Information, Action
What are you bringing in bag? (Thing)
What are you thinking about Photography Business? (Idea)
What kind of Photography Book do you wish to buy? (Info)
What are you doing with Photography Business? (Action)
How did you convince customer about photography business?
How do you choose a book cover?
How do you make an attractive book cover?
No 5W1H
1 Who
2 Who Answer
3 What Answer
4 What Answer
5 Where Answer
6 Where Answer
7 Why Answer
8 Why Answer
9 When Answer
10 When Answer
11 How Answer
12 How Answer
Sentence Building (Question and Answer)
Who is the inventor of photography?
- Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
- William Henry Fox Talbot
- Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre
Who invented the tabotype process
William Henry Fox Talbot discovers a new photographic process. find the positive/negative process called Tabotype. What is photography?
Photography (from English: Photography, in Greek, namely "Photos": Light and "Grafo": painting) is the process of painting, writing using light media.
Can photos be taken without light?
Without light, no photo can be made.
Where was the first photography made?
In France it is officially declared that photography is a technological breakthrough.
Where was Joseph Nicephore Niepce born?
Chalon-sur-Saone, Perancis
Why is photography called painting with light?
The principle of photography is to focus on the aid of refraction so that it is able to turn on the light medium.
Why is photography also called a communication tool? Basically the purpose and essence of photography is communication.
When was the tabotype process invented?
1835 - William Henry Fox Talbot discovers a new photographic process. find the positive/negative process called Tabotype. When did Joseph Nicephore Niepce make the first landscape photo?
1826 - Joseph Nicéphore Niépce makes the first landscape photograph, which is made by exposure for 8 hours
How is the photo process?
Photos occur because light falls on the surface of the recording media (film or digital sensor), resulting in an image on the recording media.
How to process recording media?
The process of recording media is an image that occurs due to a chemical reaction, on film media (analog process).
Verbal and Nominal Sentences
Clues: Verbal sentences (V) are those, which start with a verb. Non-
verbal sentences start with a noun or pronoun, or with derivative nouns. Verbal
sentences consist of a verb + subject + object or adverbial phrase. The subject
and object can be either nouns or pronouns. Nominal sentence (N) also known
as equational sentence is a linguistic term that refers to a nonverbal sentence
(i.e. a sentence without a finite verb). As a nominal sentence does not have a
verbal predicate, it may contain a nominal predicate, an adjectival predicate, in
Semitic languages also an adverbial predicate or even a prepositional predicate.
No 01
05 06
07 08 09
Verbal Sentences
Photography (from English: Photography, in Greek, namely "Photos": Light and "Grafo": painting) is the
process of
, writing using light media.
Photography (from English: Photography, in Greek, namely "Photos": Light and "Grafo": painting) is the
process of painting,
using light media.
Photos occur because light falls on the surface of the recording media (film or digital sensor), resulting in an
image on the
Photos occur because light falls on the surface of the
recording media (film or digital sensor),
in an
image on the recording media.
The principle of photography is to focus on the aid of
refraction so that it is able to
turn on
the light medium
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce makes the first Heliographic
photograph of the subject of Pope Pius VII,
heliographic process
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
the first landscape
photograph, which is made by exposure for 8 hours.
William Henry Fox Talbot
photographic process.
a new
The principle of footography is to
light with the
help of refraction so that it can burn the light-catching
The principle of footography is to focus light with the
help of r
so that it can burn the light-catching
b. Nominal Sentences
No Sentences Identify
1N 2N
3 So the light factor is not important in the art of N photography.
4 With recording media, the image that occurs is caused N by a chemical reaction, on film media (analog process)
5 While on the digital sensor media occurs, electronic N pulses ( process).
6 7 8 9 10
While on the digital sensor
occurs, electronic
pulses (digital process).
Without light, no
can be made.
The smallest element in the film; , while in digital sensors, is referred to as; picture element or pixel.
film grain, or grain
The smallest element in the film; film grain, or grain, while in digital sensors, is referred to as; picture
element or pixel.
With recording media, the image that occurs is caused by a chemical reaction, on film media (analog process).
The principle of footography is to focus light with the help of refraction so that it can burn the light-catching medium.
The medium that has been burned with the right size of light will produce an image identical to the light entering the refracting medium (hereinafter referred to as the lens).
D. Active and Passive Construction
Clues: Active sentence is a sentence where the subject performs the action of the verb. For example: John kicked the ball. ("John" is the subject. "John" is performing the action of the verb "kick." Therefore, this is an active sentence.) An active sentence is the opposite of a passive sentence. In a passive sentence, the action of the main verb is done to the subject.
The passive voice occurs when the person or thing
that performs an action is not the grammatical subject of the sentence. Instead, the person or thing that receives the action is placed before the
verb. Passive sentences are formed using the verb to be combined with a
past participle.
No Sentences
02 03
04 05
08 09 10
Active Passive
√ √ √
Joseph Nicephore Niepce made the first
Heliographic photograph with the subject
Pope Pius VII.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce made the first
photograph of the scene.
William Henry Fox Talbot discovered a new
photographic process.
Heliographic photos were first made by
Joseph Nicephore Niepce with the subject
The first photo of the scene was made by
Joseph Nicephore Niepce
The photographic process was recently
discovered by William Henry Fox Talbot.
The principle of footography is to focus light
with the help of refraction so that it can burn
the light-catching medium.
The smallest element in the film; film grain,
or grain
So the light factor is not important in the art of
Basically the purpose and essence of
photography is communication.
E. List of Vocabulary
No Vocabulary
01 Principle
02 Discovers
03 Chemical
04 Catching
05 Surviving
06 Resulting
07 Entering
08 Produce
09 Referred
10 Exposure
Pronoun Spelling Prinsépél
Diskofers Kemakél
Prinsip Menemukan Bahan Kimia
KaCHING Penangkapan
Sér„vīviNG RézétiNG Entering Produsé Refered
Bertahan hidup Dihasilkan Memasuki Menghasilkan Dirujuk
ik‟spõZHér Pencahayaan
F. Tenses and It’s Pattern
Please identify the tenses of ten sentences you take from the article. Learn the matrix clues below.
G. Tense and Pattern
No Senteces 1
2 3
In 1878, the contribution of photography to the
Simple Past Tense
world of film was first pioneered by Edward
Flash or lamp was first discovered by Harold E. Edgerton in 1938. Photographing inanimate objects is called still life.
Simple Past Tense
Year 1839 Inventor of film negative William Henry Fox Talbot from England. Negatives The film was made for 40 seconds in the hot sun.
Simple Past Tense
H. Translation into Indonesia
Sejarah Fotografi
Fotografi (dari bahasa inggris: Photography, dalam bahasa Yunani yaitu “Photos”: Cahaya dan “Grafo”: Melukis) adalah proses melukis, menulis dengan menggunakan media cahaya.
Fotografi berarti proses untuk menghasilkan gambar , foto dari suatu gambar atau foto dari suatu objek dengan merekam pantulan cahaya yang mengenai objek tersebut pada media yang peka cahaya. Tanpa cahaya, tidak ada foto yang bisa dibuat.
Jadi faktor cahaya merupakan unsur terpenting dalam seni fotografi. Prinsip fotografi adalah memfokuskan cahaya dengan bantuan pembiasan sehingga mampu membakar medium penangkapan cahaya. Pada dasarnya tujuan dan hakekat fotografi adalah komunikasi.
1822 – Joseph Nicéphore Niépce membuat foto Heliografi yang pertama dengan subjek Paus Pius VII, menggunakan proses heliografik. Salah satu foto yang bertahan hingga sekarang dibuat pada tahun 1822
1826 – Joseph Nicéphore Niépce membuat foto pemandangan yang pertama, yang dibuat dengan pajanan selama 8 jam.
1835 – William Henry Fox Talbot menemukan proses fotografi yang baru. menemukan proses positif/negatif yang disebut Tabotype. Foto terjadi karatena cahaya yang jatuh pada permukaan media perekam (film atau sensor digital), sehingga terjadi citra diatas media perekam tersebut. Dengan media perekam, citra yang yang terjadi disebabkan oleh reaksi kimia, pada media film (proses analog). Sedangkan pada media sensor digital terjadi, pulsa-pulsa elektronik (proses digital). Elemen terkecil pada film tersebut; butir film, atau grain, sedangkan pada sensor digital, disebut sebagai; picture element atau pixel. Prinsip footografi adalah memfokuskan cahaya dengan bantuan pembiasaan sehingga mampu membakar medium penangkap cahaya. Medium yang telah dibakar dengan ukuran luminitas cahaya yang tepat akan menghasilkan bayangan identik dengan cahaya yang memasuki medium pembiasaan (selanjutnya disebut lensa)
I. Please sum-up the article by explaining the reason why author use the tenses.
The reason is because to know the history of the development of Photography from time to time. Until the creation of photography in modern times today.
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